Editing your SleekBio page

To set up or edit your SleekBio page, log in to your SleekBio account and when at the Dashboard, just click on the "Edit your page".

This will take you to the page editor in a new tab or window:

From here you can toggle the editor on/off:

Add an image or your logo here:

Edit the background styles: 

Share the page link to your social media services:

If you would like to add a link, embed content, add a social media button, or a SendFox/TidyCal sign up page, just click on the + button to bring up the add menu: 

You can reorder the links and content on the page by dragging and dropping the block while in edit mode. 

To add a link to the page, you will need to add the URL of the page you wish to link to, then add the description of the link and choose an image from your computer to display. 

You can also set the size of the image with the large image toggle. 

To embed content into the page, just select the option and add the URL of the content you wish to display. SleekBio will automatically grab an image from the page and you can add your own description. 

For the social media buttons, just add the URL of the page or your username for the service. Just remember, if you add more than one service in a single block, they will appear together in the same block. You will have to add a new block to the page to separate them. 

Finally, to get back to the dashboard, click this button: 

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